Get a handshake code

A code has been created for you at: 2024.07.27 06:22:22 UTC.


Copy this code and paste it into a document or a photo you want to timestamp with Please do the file signing within 5 days as the code will expire otherwise. This handshake code can be used only once.

Why handshake codes?

The use of codes is optional although it creates a two-way handshake between you and our service. If you want to add a visual means of identification into the contents of your file please use a code. Since your file is not uploaded to our site we can not display it. You can however display something from us (the code) in your file.

Anyone who has seen this code can use it for checking the timestamp of the file. The full signing information should also be checked for more reliable verification.

Check a code

If you have a code you want to check you can do it here.